A1 5
01.06 - 30.06 01.07 - 31.08 01.09 - 01.10 |
Minimum stay
7 nights 7 nights 7 nights |
100€ 120€ 110€ |
A2 4
01.06 - 30.06 01.07 - 31.08 01.09 - 01.10 |
Minimum stay
7 nights 7 nights 7 nights |
90€ 100€ 90€ |
A3 4
01.06 - 30.06 01.07 - 31.08 01.09 - 01.10 |
Minimum stay
7 nights 7 nights 7 nights |
90€ 100€ 90€ |
Extra offer
Nearby Luxury Hotel five stars Le Méridien Lav, Split . The bus line to center of the city and ferry port Split-Omis runs every 15-20 minutes, and the bus stop is located 3 minutes from the apartment. The grocery is close by.
General terms for providing accommodation services.
How to book?
When booking, the guest is required to pay a deposit fee of 30 % of the total charge. The deposit fee is due within 5 days after receipt of the lessor’s offer of accommodation.
The fee is payable by bank transfer.
The balance must be paid on arrival according to the current price list, which can be found on the site.
The apartment rate includes: hot and cold water, electricity, cooking energy, bath towel, bed linen and residence tax.
Maximum capacity of our apartments is as stated in their descriptions and this includes all persons, regardless of their age. We do not allow any number of persons larger than maximum capacity in an apartment.
Cancellation policy
In case of cancelling the reservation 30 days or less prior to arrival, the lessor is entitled to retain the full amount of the deposit fee.
If you should decide to shorten the length of your stay earlier than agreed, payment must be made for the whole period you have reserved.
When booking, the guest is required to pay a deposit fee of 30 % of the total charge. The deposit fee is due within 5 days after receipt of the lessor’s offer of accommodation.
The fee is payable by bank transfer.
The balance must be paid on arrival according to the current price list, which can be found on the site.
The apartment rate includes: hot and cold water, electricity, cooking energy, bath towel, bed linen and residence tax.
Maximum capacity of our apartments is as stated in their descriptions and this includes all persons, regardless of their age. We do not allow any number of persons larger than maximum capacity in an apartment.
Cancellation policy
In case of cancelling the reservation 30 days or less prior to arrival, the lessor is entitled to retain the full amount of the deposit fee.
If you should decide to shorten the length of your stay earlier than agreed, payment must be made for the whole period you have reserved.